Sat. Feb 15th, 2025
Good News ! Ehsaas Kafaalat Program New Installment Procedure Start

The installation procedure of Ehsaas Kafaalat program has been started. In which you can get this Installment of Ehsaas program by completing this procedure. Its complete information and details are given below.

Ehsaas Kafaalat Program 2024

Ehsaas Kafaalat program in which a new procedure has been started to get the installment amount.The complete information of which has been given to you below. After knowing which you can get the aid money from this program. This program has been started by the government of Pakistan in which all the poor people across Pakistan Financial assistance will be given as assistance.

Many people in Pakistan cannot meet the basic needs of their household and are not able to live a good life.So these people will be given this financial assistance so that they can meet the basic needs of their home and lead a better life.

You Can Also Read It : Who Are Eligible Families BISP Program 

Ehsaas Kafaalat Program New Installment

To get a new installment of Ehsaas Kafaalat program you must know whether you are eligible to get this installment or not. All the eligibility criteria information is given below. You can get a new installment amount from this program.You can get this assistance amount by completing the new installation procedure of this program after determining your eligibility.

Ehsaas Kafaalat program in which a new procedure has been started to get the installment amount.The complete information of which has been given to you below. After knowing which you can get the aid money from this program. This program has been started by the government of Pakistan in which all the poor people across Pakistan Financial assistance will be given as assistance.

Eligibility Criteria

It is very important for you to know about your eligibility criteria to get the new installment of Ehsaas Kafaalat program. Here is all the information about the eligibility criteria.

First of all, it is most important that you are a Pakistani .

You must have your mobile phone number.

You must have the bay-form of your children.

You must have your full residential address.

You have never traveled to another country.

You have never participated in another aid program.

And have less than five acres of agricultural land in your name.

So you can complete the new installation procedure of this program after knowing the necessary documents mentioned below. Here are the necessary documents.

Required Documents

You must have your National Identity Card of Pakistan made by NADRA.

You must have your SIM card number with you.

You must have information about your number of children.

You must have your complete residential information.

You must have your monthly electricity bill and other household information.

So you can get this amount of Ehsaas Kafaalat program in the below-mentioned way.

For More Information; Registration Method 2024 Of Benazir Kafaalat Program

Ehsaas Kafaalat Program New Installment Procedure Start 2024

To get a new instalment of the Ehsaas Kafaalat program, you have to complete its installation procedure, for which you must know about your eligibility, after which you can complete this procedure and get this assistance amount. Here is the instalment procedure.

  1. You have to go to the BISP 8171 office nearest to your home.
  2. You have gone to the BISP 8171 office from the officers present there.
  3. You have to get the registration form from the officers there.
  4. You have to put your National Identity Card number and your mobile phone number on this registration form.
  5. You have to enter the number of your children and complete residence information on it.
  6. You have to enter the other information of your house on it.
  7. After which you have to check this form well.
  8. After checking, you have to submit it again to the officers in the BISP office.

After which you will have completed the installment procedure. After that the representative there will tell you whether you can get this amount or not. And if you are eligible to get this amount, then there The present representative will give you your money.


In order to get a new installation of Ehsaas Kafaalat program, you have to complete the installation procedure. The complete information has been given to you above. The money will be given. The complete procedure to get it including eligibility criteria method and necessary documents information has been given to you.After knowing which, you can get the aid money from this Kafaalat program.